Weight Doesn’t Equal Health

I remember going to the doctor and being nervous when they weighed me. After they recorded my weight and height, I would wait for the doctor for my daily checkup.

The doctor would do their daily routine and then tell my parents how I was doing.

Every time they talked to my parents, they would always tell them about my BMI and my weight. This would always scare me because it seemed to determine whether I was unhealthy and at risks for diseases.

Talking about weight and BMI at a young can affect a child’s perception of weight, making weight seem like it’s the one, and the only thing that determines how healthy you are.

What Is BMI?

BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is a chart that doctors use to measure your body fat and health.

Using your weight and height, they determine whether you are underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.

Then they use this information from their BMI chart to tell you if you are at any risk for any health conditions.

Is Weight Really the Determining Factor for Measuring Health?

This may look like a good way to diagnose and find out if you on a track that leads to obesity and numerous health problems. But this is not true at all.

Your weight is not the only indicator of your health. Many factors play in your overall health.

Your food choices, activity level, sleep cycle, and water intake all affect your current physical and mental state.

Genetic’s Role in Your Weight

There is a major component that many people overlook that plays a major part in your overall health and look: genetics.

You inherit physical traits from your parents. If both of your parents have blue eyes, there is a high chance you will also have blue eyes.

Similarly, these passed down traits affect your weight, height, and looks. How high or low your metabolism is decided by your parents’ genes.

Your height is controlled by your parents’ genes. The risk for diabetes and high cholesterol depends on your family’s medical history.

More muscle = more weight

Another important factor about weight is your muscle mass, the amount of muscle you have.

Muscle weighs more than fat. Someone who lifts weights and has a lot of muscle may weigh more than an overweight person.

But does that mean the one who works out and has muscle is unhealthier than someone who doesn’t have this lifestyle just because they weigh more?

Is weight the overall determining factor of someone’s health and fitness level?

The answer is no. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle where you feel energetic and happy is important.

Making positive changes to your diet and exercise is crucial, but your ability to lose or gain weight also comes from your genetics.

Starving or intense exercise won’t change this. Weight varies from person to person.

So, don’t worry so much about how much you weigh. Checking that scale will only stress you out more, trust me I know all too well.

As always, stay safe and make sure to eat or drink something today. Your time and effort are too precious to be wasted on something as insignificant as weight.



Sachi Kataria

Hi! I'm the main blogger/founder of One of A Kind. I hope that reading these experiences from other people will help others realize that they are perfect the way they are and encourage others to engage with our community and talk about their stories. Thanks for reading!

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